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Ranks List

Demon Lord General

Equivalent Military Rank


The ultimate leader, embodying the clan's ideals, power, and direction. Revered and feared, their command is absolute.

Hellfire Lieutenant General

Equivalent Military Rank

Lieutenant General

Only second to the top, they are pivotal in the most critical decisions and strategies.

Inferno Major General

Equivalent Military Rank

Major General

With command over all clan operations, their word is near law, shaping the future of the clan.

Abyssal Brigadier General

Equivalent Military Rank

Brigadier General

A legendary status achieved by few, leading vast sections of the clan with prowess and fearsome authority.

Shadow Colonel

Equivalent Military Rank

Lieutenant Colonel

A high-ranking officer focusing on the larger picture, guiding the clan with wisdom and strategic oversight.

Nether Major

Equivalent Military Rank


Senior leaders responsible for planning and executing larger operations, often with multiple squads under their command.

Demon Captain

Equivalent Military Rank


Commanders of the entire gaming guild’s initiatives, competent in strategy and demonic combat leadership.

Dread Lieutenant

Equivalent Military Rank

Second Lieutenant

The first level of commissioned officers, leading larger groups into battle with a focus on tactical victories.

Warlock Warrant Officer

Equivalent Military Rank

Warrant Officer

Specialized officers with magical prowess, focusing on specific "magical" strategies and spells in games.

Hell Knight

Equivalent Military Rank

Staff Sergeant

A firm position of authority and strength, overseeing multiple squads and ensuring strategic successes.

Serpent Sergeant

Equivalent Military Rank


Skilled and respected, responsible for training and leading Imp Recruits and Fiend Specialists.

Infernal Corporal

Equivalent Military Rank


The first step into leadership, they can lead small squads in gaming sessions or tasks.

Fiend Specialist

Equivalent Military Rank


Demonstrating particular skills in specific areas, these members have begun to carve their niche.

Imp Recruit

Equivalent Military Rank


The entry level, where all clan members start, gaining their footing in the dark arts of gaming.

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